WELCOME! To get started with Eleyo, you will need an account. If you already have an account, feel free to skip to Explore All Programs aboveTo create an account, follow the three steps below. Step #1 Register a New Account (create your family profile). Step #2 Add all students to your profile Step #3 Select Explore All Programs > Select a Program name (i.e. Tiger Pack or Summer Stretch) > Select the registration/enroll now option --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have questions about our online payment system, contact the following staff:Tiger Pack: Rachel Twedten at (715) 781-8721Summer Stretch/Jumpstart : Lisa Johnson (715) 243-7428Technical Support: Lisa Vergin at (715) 243-7404 Hillside Elementary Tiger Packhillsidepack@newrichmond.k12.wi.us715-781-8730 Paperjack Elementary Tiger Packpaperjackpack@newrichmond.k12.wi.us715-781-8736 Starr Elementary Tiger Packstarrpack@newrichmond.k12.wi.us715-781-8744